Saturday, January 23, 2016

Challenge quilt ***Seasons!

So I’m all about making gifts now for people. At this point in my life I have everything I need, and so do most of my friends and family. So the Quilt Challenge this week was Seasons…. I bought this really cute pillow pattern from Kookaburra Cottage, a very small company, at the Lancaster quilt show last year. I thought immediately of my sister who loves fun, bright, whimsical things.
So long story short. It has snowed here in central PA since Friday! We are not used to this kind of snow!! Perfect quilting weather. I decided to make this pillow for my sister. It  definitely represents spring, and after this crazy snowfall of 31 inches, I'm deeply yearning for spring!
Hard to get a great picture since it is 20x20 inches and quite fluffy! It has this cute ruching around the pillow. Which was kindof a pain to do…quirky putting it on.
I started with yo yos, lots of them in various sizes. I used a clover yo yo tool finally, and did make this process easier.
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Then I cut a 22x22 front piece, and back piece and a lining for my front to give it stiffness…

The back I made 3 buttonholes to insert pillow form. It ended up a little off center, but that definitely represents me! and I attached a label ..

Enjoy the pics and let me know if you have questions!
This is the view yesterday during the blizzard out to my garden house
The sun is out today , YAY! and here is this am early!
And thank God I bought my husband a snowblower 2 years ago!

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